Monday 20 April 2009

Twitters on Canada

Been experminenting with Twitter. Haven't spent too much time trying to attract followers or even posting while I learn the ropes. Here are a few of my recent posts:
On Canadian Media:
No more money for programmes meant to reach a foreign audience first.
8 minutes ago from web

Let's all say 'chocolate bar', 'toque', 'chesterfield', 'constable', 'police detachment', 'riding' and 'running shoe' together.
9 minutes ago from web

Seems to me that when you over package yourself to reach a 'global' audience --aka Sirius or PBS -- you wind up reaching nobody.
10 minutes ago from web

Will we see the end of the bland (North American style) programmes and return to scripts that honestly reflect our own culture.
11 minutes ago from web

Susan Boyle continues to turn entertainment on its head. Wondering if any Canadian television networks are taking note.
12 minutes ago from web

On Today's Hijacking:
Apparently pretty good:
about 2 hours ago from web
So what are the changes of the Canadian Prime Minister actually being in Jamaica when the Jamaicans rescue passengers on a CDN charter jet?
about 2 hours ago from web

On Canada's Public Image (Or our obsession with it)
We don't need to sell foreigners on our story. We need to educate Canadians about their own strengths: not worry what others think.
4:51 PM Apr 16th from web
Waste of money:
4:48 PM Apr 16th from web

On the economy:
According to this, Canadians feel postive enough to buy houses: http://www.lethbridgeherald...
9:17 AM Apr 15th from web

On the Reserve Power of the Crown( AKA, why our 'anachronist' political system works better than 'progressives' think:
Bowen's use of the Reserve power of the Crown is way more interesting than that story of Lord Byng and Mackenzie King. And more important.
9:31 AM Apr 14th from web
Why doesn't anyone know the story of John Bowen saving Alberta from dictatorship in the 1930's? Oh right, I haven't written it yet.
9:30 AM Apr 14th from web

Frankly, I think that's what is wrong with the RCMP, too. Maybe it's time go back to own way of doing things and dump the American advisors.
9:29 AM Apr 14th from web
The Americanization of our Constitutional Monarchy along with control of power by the Prime Minister is skewing parliament.
9:28 AM Apr 14th from web

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